Health Assessment

Health tests & detailed health check-ups for workplaces

We offer companies and their employees inspiring solutions related to the health and well-being of employees. We employ experienced nurses, doctors and psychologists with a good insight into the challenges we face in our daily life and work.

Vinnustaðir eru ólíkir og leggjum við mikið upp úr því að mæta þörfum hvers og eins, bæði vinnustaða og starfsmanna. Við bjóðum upp á fjölbreyttar leiðir, allt frá einstaka  heilsufarsmælingum yfir í okkar vinsælustu þjónustuleið, heilsufarsmat. 

Má þar nefna meðal annars:

  • Health assessment - basic
  • Heilsufarsmat - Bronz
  • Health examination - silver
  • Health examination - gold

Ólíkar útfærslur eru í boði þar sem farið er yfir lífsstílstengda þætti ásamt mikilvægum heilbrigðismælingum. Í hverri skoðun er lögð áhersla á fræðslu um þá þætti sem hafa áhrif á andlega og líkamlega líðan okkar í leik og starfi, líkt og álag og streita. Einnig getur hver vinnustaðir valið að bæta við frekai heilbrgiðsismælingum eftir þörfum vinnustaðarins eða skimun á andlegri líðan. 


Health assessment - basic

Hjúkrunarfræðingar Vinnuverndar koma á vinnustaðinn og framkvæma eftirfarandi heilsufarsskoðun og mælingar á starfsfólki: 

Consultancy services and education from a nurse along with the following measurements: 

  • Blood pressure​
  • Blood sugar​
  • Cholesterol​
  • Blóðrauði
  • Waist circumference and weight (optional)

Í lok skoðunar fá einstaklingar sínar niðurstöður afhentar, hver skoðun tekur um 15 mínútur. 

Stjórnendur fá samantektar skýrslu á niðurstöðum starfshópsins í heild. Gefur sú skýrsla þeim yfirsýn yfir heilsufar starfsfólks með t.d tilliti til álags í starfi, streitu og fleirri heilsutengdra þátta. Einnig er gerður samanburður yfir hvar þeirra starfshópur stendur miðað við önnur fyrirtæki sem nýta sér sömu þjónustu Vinnuverndar.

An electronic booking link is set up for each company so that employees can register for an examination well in advance and at a time that suits them best within the days that the examinations take place.

Health assessment - bronze 


Í Bronz heilsufarsmati koma hjúkrunarfræðingar Vinnuverndar á vinnustaðinn og framkvæma eftirfarandi mælingar á starfsfólki, ásamt því að veita þeim ráðgjöf og fræðslu: 

  • Blood pressure​
  • Blood sugar​
  • Cholesterol​
  • Blóðrauði
  • Electrocardiogram (reviewed by a specialist)
  • Itemised cholesterol measurement
    • Total cholesterol – HDL – LDL – Triglycerides
    • Risk calculation/assessment

In this health assessment, an electrocardiogram is performed during the examination and subsequently read by a specialist doctor that follows up with the individual if there is an abnormality in the reading.

At the end of the examination, individuals will receive their results. Each examination takes around 30 minutes.  

Managers will receive a summary report of the results of the staff as a whole. This report gives them an overview of the health of the staff with regards to, for example workload, stress and other health-related factors. A comparison is also made of where their staff stands compared to other companies that use the same Vinnuvernd services.​

An electronic booking link is set up for each company so that employees can register for an examination well in advance and at a time that suits them best within the days that the examinations take place.

Health assessment - silver


This is a comprehensive health check-up for preventive purposes, with a blood test, an electrocardiogram, as well as measurements of blood pressure and pulse.

Blood test​

  • Blood test at Sameind – a doctor reviews all blood test results, and a nurse reviews them with the individual concerned.

Consultancy services and education from a nurse along with the following measurements:​

  • Blood pressure and pulse
  • Electrocardiogram, performed by a nurse, reviewed by a doctor
    • Risk calculation/assessment​
  • Review of blood test results

Val er um að bæta við þessa heilbrigðisskoðun skimun á andlegri líðan:

  • Rafræn skimun á andlegri líðan með spurningalista sem metur einkenni streitu, kvíða og þunglyndis. Sálfræðingur fer yfir svörun einstakling, hefur samband við þá aðila sem skora yfir viðmiðunarmörk og veitir þeim ráðgjöf út frá niðurstöðum.

At the end of the examination, individuals will receive their results. Each examination takes around 40 minutes.

Managers will receive a summary report of the results of the staff as a whole. This report gives them an overview of the health of the staff with regards to, for example workload, stress and other health-related factors. A comparison is also made of where their staff stands compared to other companies that use the same Vinnuvernd services.

An electronic booking link is set up for each company so that employees can register for an examination well in advance and at a time that suits them best within the days that the examinations take place. These examinations can be carried out at the workplace or at Vinnuvernd’s reception.

Health assessment - gold


This is a comprehensive examination for preventative purposes. A detailed health history and family history is taken with regards to cancer and other diseases. During the examination, the condition of the individual is assessed with regard to the cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, urinary system, respiratory system, infections, etc.

Blood test​

  • • Blood test at Sameind

Consultancy services and education from a nurse along with the following measurements:​

  • Blood pressure and pulse
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Optometry and hearing test
  • Urine test

Interview with a doctor where the following factors are examined:

  • Medical examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, limbs, etc.
  • A doctor reviews all blood test results with the individual.
  • Review of electrocardiogram
    • Risk calculation/assessment​
  • A request is made for a colonoscopy for persons 50 years of age and older, if desired.

Interview with a psychologist where the following aspects are reviewed:

  • Electronic screening of mental well-being with a questionnaire that assesses symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. A psychologist reviews the responses to the questionnaire. Sálfræðingur yfirfer svörun könnuninar.
  • Psychologist's electronic screening of symptoms of burnout.
  • Sálfræðingur fer yfir niðurstöður listanna með einstaklingnum.  


Viðbótar heilsufarsmælingar

Innan vinnustaða getur starfsumhverfi verið ólíkt og þar af leiðandi áhættuþættir í umhverfinu einnig ólíkir. Við bjóðum upp á viðbótarmælingar sem hægt er að sérsníða að ákveðnum hópum innan vinnustaðarins. 

Þetta eru meðal annars: 

  • Optometry
  • Hearing tests  
  • Spirometry 

Skimun á andlegri líðan


Eins er hægt að bæta við skimun á andlegri líðan. Um er að ræða rafræna spurningarlista þar sem eftirfarandi þættir eru metnir: 

  • Þunglyndi, kvíði og streita (DASS-42)
  • Einkenni kulnunar í starfi (BAT)

Spurningalisti er sendur til þeirra einstaklinga sem koma í heilsufarsmat til hjúkrunarfræðings, en sálfræðingar Vinnuverndar fara yfir allar niðurstöður. Ef einstaklingar skora yfir viðmiðunarmörkum hefur sálfræðingur samband við viðkomandi og veitir þeim viðeigandi ráðgjöf.


Further reading

Blood pressure

​High blood pressure is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease; coronary heart disease and stroke. Hypertension is often asymptomatic and can therefore affect the individual without symptoms appearing. Two numbers are used to explain blood pressure. The higher number indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts, and the lower number indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest. 
The reference limit for hypertension is a value >140/90 in repeated measurements.

Blood sugar

Blood sugar is measured to screen for diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to insufficient efficacy of insulin in the body. Under these circumstances, there will be too much sugar (glucose) in the blood, which can eventually lead to damage to the body's organs, nerves and blood vessels.

Cholesterol/Blood lipids

Kólesteról er ein tegund blóðfitu. Allar frumur líkamans þurfa á kólesteróli að halda til að geta viðhaldið eðlilegri starfsemi. Hins vegar getur hátt kólesterólmagn í blóði aukið líkur á hjarta- og æðasjúkdómum. Ef aðrir áhættuþættir eru einnig til staðar, til dæmis hár blóðþrýstingur, erfðir og/eða reykingar, getur það aukið áhættuna á háu kólesteróli. 


Hemoglobin is measured to screen for anemia. Anemia involves a lack of red blood cells, which can cause symptoms such as fatigue and weakness. Normal hemoglobin levels are > 120 for women and > 130 for men.


An electrocardiogram is a simple examination that records the internal electrical activity of the heart muscle to diagnose cardiovascular disease. An electrocardiogram can diagnose many types of problems such as arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, ischemia, electrical disturbances, etc. Coronary artery disease cannot be confirmed or ruled out by an electrocardiogram alone, and other methods must therefore be used when it is suspected. An electrocardiogram does not detect heart defects or valvular heart disease..


With ophthalmologic testing, visual acuity (myopia) is measured in each eye separately by determining how well the person can see small letters from a certain distance. The test is performed with the HVOT chart, which is made up of 4 letters. If the person wears glasses or contact lenses, the ophthalmologic test should be performed with glasses or contact lenses. Individuals who do not meet certain criteria are referred to an ophthalmologist.

Hearing tests 

A hearing test is done to check if hearing has begun to deteriorate and what the nature of the hearing loss is. If hearing is not within normal limits, the person is referred for further examination.


A test that measures lung function in a simple way. The measurement can help in the diagnosis of constrictive and/or obstructive diseases in the respiratory system. ​

Mental well-being

We offer a holistic approach in our health assessment and believe it is important to examine mental health alongside physical health. We do that with a questionnaire (DASS-42) that assesses stress, anxiety and depression symptoms. By screening for this, we can catch those individuals who are struggling with mental difficulties and offer them appropriate help.