Magnús Böðvarsson,
Chairman of the Board & owner
Magnús Böðvarsson is a medical specialist specialising in medicine and nephrology. He lives in Sweden and works there in medicine, but also performs occasional tasks for Vinnuvernd. Magnús is one of the founders and owners of Vinnuvernd and has been on the Board since the company was founded. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki in 1976 and went on to specialist training in General Medicine and Renal Diseases in the United States. Magnús has worked as a Nephrologist since 1986, both at Landspítali Hospital, Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Karolinska (Huddinge), SÅS in Borås in Sweden and at Central Sjukhuset Kristianstad as chief physician since February 2012. He has also filled in as a physician at the hospital in Vestmannaeyjar since 1990 and has worked as a company doctor since 1985.
Atli Einarsson,
Board member & owner
Atli is a cardiovascular specialist, but he is also qualified as an Aeromedical Examiner and is the chief physician of Vinnuvernd’s Aviation Medical Centre. He is also an certified maritime doctor with the Icelandic Transport Authority.
He has worked as a consulting doctor for numerous companies, as well as performing work-related health examinations.
Atli is one of the owners of Vinnuvernd and has been on the Board since the company was founded.
Helgi Guðbergsson,
Board member & owner
Helgi is an expert in occupational and environmental diseases and has worked in Finland, Sweden and Iceland, amongst others at the Health Protection Centre and at Vinnuvernd. He taught health science, epidemiology and toxicology at UI for many years. He worked for nearly two decades on tobacco control, and has worked on the diagnosis of occupational and environmental diseases, assessment of damages from accidents and patient insurance incidents. Helgi has extensive experience of working with vaccinations and other health protection due to travel, and is in charge of Vinnuvernd’s Travel Protection..
Valgeir Sigurðsson,
Valgeir is a physiotherapist and has been the CEO of Vinnuvernd from the beginning until December 2023. It is safe to say that Valgeir is one of Iceland's most experienced experts in the field of occupational health and safety, and he has provided various consultation in relation to safety and health at numerous workplaces for over 20 years. Today, the operation and development of Vinnuvernd ehf. is his main subject, but Valgeir is also involved in individual consulting projects with his colleagues. Valgeir is one of the owners of Gáski and sits on the board of Gáski and Vinnuvernd.
Þorvaldur Magnússon,
Board member & owner
Þorvaldur is a medical specialist with specialisation as a physician and a nephrologist, as well as being qualified as an Aeromedical Examiner. He is also an approved maritime doctor with the Icelandic Transport Authority.
He has worked as a consulting doctor for numerous companies as a company doctor, as well as performing work-related health examinations.
Þorvaldur is one of the owners of Vinnuvernd and has been on the Board since the company was founded.
Executive Committee
Ása Inga Þorsteinsdóttir,
Executive Committee
Ása graduated from Reykjavík University with an MBA degree in 2015 and has extensive management experience. She came to Vinnuvernd in the fall of 2022, but before that she had worked as the CEO of UMF Stjarnan, the CEO of Gerpla, and as a national team coach in gymnastics. Since her arrival at Vinnuvernd, she has managed the restructuring and development of the company, following the policy formulation work that was carried out in the fall of 2022. Along with managing the implementation of that work and the development of the service and marketing department of Vinnuvernd.
Harpa Þöll Gísladóttir,
Head of the project & human resources department
Harpa Þöll is a nurse and has worked in various departments of Landspítali Hospital, including the Intensive Care Unit, the Department of Neurology and the Department of Hematology. She also has extensive experience in human resources. After completing her MSc in human resources management, she worked as a human resources manager for flight attendants at Icelandair in 2016-2019.
She worked at the intensive care unit during the Covid pandemic, but in June 2022 she started working as the division manager of Vinuvernd’s health department. One of her first projects was to start preparations for and leading the company through a policy formulation process. Along with this development work, she is responsible for projects and human resources issues at Vinnuvernd. She is the oldest soul on the team and her favourite things are knitting woolly sweaters, drinking coffee, reading Guðrún frá Lundi and running up and down mountains. A very uncomplicated mix.
Valgeir Sigurðsson,
Verkefnastjórni fyrirtækjasviðs
Valgeir is a physiotherapist and has been the CEO of Vinnuvernd from the beginning until December 2023. It is safe to say that Valgeir is one of Iceland's most experienced experts in the field of occupational health and safety, and he has provided various consultation in relation to safety and health at numerous workplaces for over 20 years. Today, the operation and development of Vinnuvernd ehf. is his main subject, but Valgeir is also involved in individual consulting projects with his colleagues. Valgeir is one of the owners of Gáski and sits on the board of Gáski and Vinnuvernd.
Aðalbjörg M. Agnarsdóttir,
Aðalbjörg began her studies in Denmark in 2010 and completed her B.Sc in Nursing from the University of Aalborg in 2013. She worked at Aalborg Hospital in the Neurosurgery Department and the Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Department in 2014-2016. Along with her work, she applied for a Norwegian nursing license and regularly went on work trips to Norway and worked in different nursing homes in Trondheim. Aðalbjörg worked for three summers at the Hrafnista nursing home for the elderly. Aðalbjörg moved home to Iceland in 2016 and started working at the Department of Brain, Neuro and Orthopedic Surgery at LSH. In the fall of 2017, Aðalbjörg applied for a job with Vinnuvernd and in her work has carried out health tests in companies, flight inspections, mold screenings as well as vaccinations. Aðalbjörg specialises in first aid training at Vinnuvernd and has attended an ILS course at the Icelandic Red Cross.
Björg Jakobína Þráinsdóttir,
Jakobína graduated with a B.Sc degree in nursing from the University of Iceland in 2013. During her studies, she worked at the Orthopedic Department of LSH-B5. Jakobína has worked at Vinnuvernd since 2013. She carries out various health checks, education, reporting, first aid, etc. In 2022, she attended a course in Immediate Life Support (ILS) organised by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC). Jakobína is in charge of Vinnuvernd’s absences phoneline, where employees of companies record illnesses and receive advice. Between 1995 and 2007, she was the owner and managing director of a retail company, and therefore knows how important it is to take good care of your staff.
Elva Rut Jónsdóttir,
Elva graduated with a B.Sc degree in nursing from the University of Iceland in 2005. From there, she went to Lund, Sweden, where she completed her master's programme with a focus on special training in nursing in healthcare centres in 2011. She has previously worked in the Cardiology Department of LSH and in healthcare centres in Iceland and Sweden. Elva has worked at Vinnuvernd since 2016 and carries out, amongst other things, health tests and absence registration, as well as overseeing vaccinations in connection with travel or employment.
Heiða B. Magnúsdóttir,
Heiða Berglind er hjúkrunarfræðingur sem útskrifaðist frá Háskólanum á Akureyri 2013. Frá útskrift hefur hún starfað á Lyflækningadeild Sjúkrahússins á Akureyri og er þar enn. Hún hóf störf hjá Vinnuvernd haustið 2014 og er starfandi hjúkrunarfræðingur á Akureyri og nærliggjandi sveitarfélögum. Hún sinnir m.a. heilsufarsmælingum, bólusetningum og kennir skyndihjálp. Heiða Berglind hefur mikinn áhuga á bættri lýðheilsu og vellíðan á vinnustað.
Heiðrún Sigurjónsdóttir,
Heiðrún graduated as a nurse from the University of Iceland in 2007, and she also has a diploma in surgical nursing from the University of Iceland. Heiðrún has worked in the Emergency Ward in Fossvogur and also in operating theaters at both Landspítali Hospital and Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. She started working at Vinnuvernd in August 2022 and performs, amongst other things, health checks, vaccinations, and teaches first aid as well as various other topics. Heiðrún is very interested in improving health and increasing well-being in workplaces.
Guðríður Þorgeirsdóttir,
Guðríður graduated as a nurse from the University of Iceland in 2010 and worked along with her studies at Landspítali Hospital’s Department of Neurology. In 2012, she began studying Midwifery and graduated as a Midwife from the University of Iceland in 2014. Following the midwifery studies, Guðríður worked at the Emergency Ward of the Barnaspítali Hringsins Children's Hospital until 2021, when she decided to make a change and started working at Vinnuvernd. Guðríður carries out health checks of various kinds, as well as various types of education. Guðríður is very interested in a health-promoting approach in order to maximise the individual's quality of life.
Edda Ýrr Einarsdóttir,
Edda Ýrr graduated with a B.Sc. degree in nursing from the University of Iceland in 2014. After completing her studies, she started working in the Cardiology Department, where she completed training in specialised resuscitation and worked there intermittently until 2018. She also worked as a flight attendant from 2015-2020 and became a member of the rearguard corps of nurses during the COVID era. In 2023, Edda Ýrr started working at Vinnuvernd, where she carries out health checks, runs first aid courses and administers vaccinations. Edda Ýrr lives in Álftanes with her husband and four children. She is passionate about public health and today she is pursuing a master's degree in public health sciences at the University of Iceland alongside her work.
María Hrönn Björgvinsdóttir,
María Hrönn graduated from the University of Iceland with a B.S. degree in nursing in 2009. She first worked in the Lung Department, but then moved to the Intensive Care Unit in Fossvogur, where she worked from 2007-2024. She has attended a number of courses, including ALS (Advanced Life Support) and EPILS (European Paediatric Immediate Life Support). In parallel with her work, she also completed a diploma in sales and marketing studies from Promennt. In 2024, María Hrönn decided to change directions and started working at Vinnuvernd, where her main focus is public health and the health of employees at work.
Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir,
Sólveig er hjúkrunarfræðingur sem hefur starfað hjá Vinnuvernd síðan febrúar 2018. Áður starfaði hún sem hjúkrunarfræðingur á Krabbameinslækningadeild LSH, þar var hún tengiliður sýkingarvarnadeildar og fjölskylduhjúkrunar við deildina. Hjá Vinnuvernd sinnir hún m.a. heilsufarsskoðunum, bólusetningum og kennir skyndihjálp. Sólveig hefur lokið leiðbeinendanámskeiði í skyndihjálp hjá Rauða Krossi Íslands og heldur utanum skyndihjálparteymi Vinnuverndar. Í starfi brennur Sólveig fyrir bættu heilbrigði og vellíðan á vinnustað.
Psychologists & consultants in human resources
Áslaug Kristinsdóttir,
Psychologist & consultant in human resources
Áslaug graduated from the University of Iceland with a cand.psych. degree in 2007 and since then has provided consultation and guidance to company managers regarding social and psychological risk factors in the workplace. Main subjects are work environment analyses, mediation, counselling for communication problems, management guidance, lectures/seminars and individual support. At the same time, she has handled the clinical treatment of individuals. Áslaug has received recognition as an expert in occupational health and safety, attended various courses and workshops related to the social and psychological work environment and completed a course in mediation.
Inga Valdís Tómasdóttir,
Inga Valdís graduated as a psychologist from the University of Copenhagen in 2022 with a focus on clinical and social psychology. She has also attended a course on psychological support following trauma. She provides psychological counselling to individuals, as well as giving lectures and educational talks to companies on the various issues related to mental well-being. Inga began working at Vinnuvernd in 2022.
Jakob Gunnlaugsson,
Psychologist & consultant in human resources
Jakob graduated as a psychologist from the University of Copenhagen in 2010 with a focus on occupational and clinical psychology. He is a team leader of psychologists at Vinnuvernd and his main tasks are to provide management with consultation and guidance regarding the psychosocial work environment at workplaces, workplace analyses and individual interviews. Jakob has been recognised as an expert in occupational health and safety.
Fjóla Dís Magnúsdóttir,
Fjóla Dís graduated with a cand. psych. degree from the University of Iceland in 2017. She has diverse work experience, but has been working as a psychologist in healthcare centres since 2019. There she has offered individual therapy and counselling for children, teenagers, parents of young children and women during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as group therapy for various groups.
Fjóla Dís began working at Vinnuvernd in parallel with her work in the healthcare centre in 2024. At Vinnuvernd, she provides individual counselling as well as lectures and education for companies and institutions. Fjóla Dís is very interested in preventive work and increasing well-being in the workplace.
Outside of work, she enjoys drinking good coffee, especially when she has the time to drink it hot, knitting, travelling and spending time with family and friends..
Sigrún E. Arnardóttir,
Sigrún is a clinical psychologist and completed her master's degree from the University of Iceland in 2019. She carries out individual counselling and support interviews at Vinnuvernd, as well as mediation. She began working at Vinnuvernd in 2020.
Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir,
Sérfræðingur í lýðheilsu og stjórnun
Ingibjörg er með EMPH gráðu í lýðheilsu og stjórnun, MSc gráðu í heilbrigðisvísindum og BSc gráðu í sjúkraþjálfun. Eftir að hafa starfað sem sjúkraþjálfari bæði hér á landi og í Bandaríkjunum í yfir 20 ár snéri hún sér alfarið að verkefnastjórnun og forvörnum. Ingibjörg stýrði verkefnum m.a. fyrir Sjálfsbjörg og HÍ og var stjórnandi hjá VIRK í tæp 11 ár þar sem hún stýrði ótal verkefnum. Hún stýrði m.a. öllu forvarnarstarfi VIRK þar með talið, vitundarvakningum (Er brjálað að gera?, Virkjum góð samskipti og Það má ekkert lengur) og þátttöku VIRK í Heilsueflandi vinnustað. Ingibjörg hefur sótt námskeið og ráðstefnur sem snúa að vellíðan í starfi árum saman og haldið fjölda fyrirlestra um málefnið m.a. hjá OECD í París. Hún situr í stjórn Stjórnvísi og er formaður Stjórnvísi faghóps um heilsueflandi vinnuumhverfi en sá hópur hefur staðið fyrir fjölda viðburða um allt sem snýr að heilsueflingu á vinnustöðum. Ingibjörg hefur lokið 6 vikna námi í Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies hjá Cambridge Judge Business School en auk vellíðunar í starfi brennur hún fyrir umhverfisvernd.
Medical specialists
Atli Einarsson,
Medical specialist
Atli er sérfræðilæknir í hjartasjúkdómum en hann er einnig með réttindi sem fluglæknir (Aeromedical Examiner) og yfirlæknir fluglæknaseturs Vinnuverndar. Hann er einnig viðurkenndur sjómannalæknir hjá Samgöngustofu.
Hann hefur starfað sem ráðgefandi læknir fjölmargra fyrirtækja auk þess að sinna starfstengdum heilbrigðisskoðunum.
Atli er sinn af eigendum Vinnuverndar og setið í stjórn frá stofnun fyrirtækisins.
Elín Laxdal,
Medical specialist
Elín is a medical specialist specialising in general surgery and vascular surgery (MD-PhD). She has worked as a specialist in vascular surgery and chief physician at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway and the Department of Vascular Surgery at Landspítali Hospital. Furthermore, she has worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Iceland and a professor at the Surgical Institute, Bergen University.
Elín has been working at Vinnuvernd since 2019 and provides work-related health care, but she also has qualifications as an Aeromedical Examiner, and she is also an approved maritime doctor at the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Ása Elísa Einarsdóttir,
Medical specialist
Ása Elísa is a specialist doctor with specialist training in pediatrics since 2001 and emergency medicine since 2013. Ása also completed a diploma in palliative medicine in 2021. She has worked in both Norway and Iceland, but started working at Vinnuvernd in 2018 and provides work-related health care.
Her main interests relate to health promotion and prevention of accidents and diseases, and in that context environmental protection in general.
Guðrún G. Björnsdóttir
Medical specialist
Guðrún er sérfræðingur í bráðalækningum. Hún útskrifaðist frá Læknadeild Háskóla Íslands sem almennur læknir árið 2010 og starfaði meðal annars á geðdeild og taugalækningadeild áður en hún hóf sérnám í bráðalækningum. Hún hélt sérnámi áfram í Skotlandi frá 2016, þar sem hún starfaði meðal annars á gjörgæslu í COVID-faraldrinum. Frá 2021 hefur hún starfað sem sérfræðilæknir á Bráðamóttöku Landspítala.
Guðrún gekk til liðs við Vinnuvernd árið 2024 og starfar þar við trúnaðarlækningar og almenn læknisstörf.
Ingi Karl Reynisson,
Medical specialist
Ingi Karl útskrifaðist úr læknadeild HÍ árið 2008. Hann stundaði sérnám í lyflækningum við Háskólasjúkrahúsið í Uppsölum á árunum 2012-2016 og hefur starfað sem sérfræðingur í lyflækningum bæði á Landspítala og á sjúkrahúsinu á Akranesi síðan haustið 2016. Ingi Karl hefur unnið við trúnaðarlækningar hjá Vinnuvernd síðan 2018.
Guðný Ásgeirsdóttir,
Medical specialist
Guðný is a general practitioner. She studied undergraduate medicine in Odense, Denmark, between 2006 and 2014. In 2014, she moved to Iceland and started studying family medicine. She graduated as a general practitioner in 2020. She has worked in healthcare centres in the capital area and in various departments of Landspítali Hospital. She also has a B.Sc. degree in biology from UI. Guðný has worked at Vinnuvernd since 2022 as a company doctor.
Helgi Guðbergsson,
Medical specialist
Helgi is an expert in occupational and environmental diseases and has worked in Finland, Sweden and Iceland, amongst others at the Health Protection Centre and at Vinnuvernd. He taught health science, epidemiology and toxicology at UI for many years. He worked for nearly two decades on tobacco control, and has worked on the diagnosis of occupational and environmental diseases, assessment of damages from accidents and patient insurance incidents. Helgi has extensive experience of working with vaccinations and other health protection due to travel, and is in charge of Vinnuvernd’s Travel Protection.
Þorvaldur Magnússon,
Medical specialist
Þorvaldur is a medical specialist with specialisation as a physician and a nephrologist, as well as being qualified as an Aeromedical Examiner. He is also an approved maritime doctor with the Icelandic Transport Authority.
He has worked as a consulting doctor for numerous companies as a company doctor, as well as performing work-related health examinations.
Þorvaldur is one of the owners of Vinnuvernd and has been on the Board since the company was founded.
Sérfræðingar í vinnuumhverfi
Thelma Hafþórsdóttir,
Occupational therapist
Thelma is an occupational health and safety specialist with a focus on the musculoskeletal system. She is also a personal trainer and graduated with a B.Sc. degree in occupational therapy from the University of Akureyri in 2012. Then she also completed the basic level in music with an focus on singing at F.Í.H. Thelma carries out education related to ergonomics, e.g. with lectures, brochures and instructional videos. She also carries out workplace audits and plans for safety and health at the workplace, which includes a risk assessment. Thelma is one of two instructors on our retirement course.
Valgeir Sigurðsson,
Valgeir is a physiotherapist and has been the CEO of Vinnuvernd from the beginning. It is safe to say that Valgeir is one of Iceland's most experienced experts in the field of occupational health and safety, and he has provided various consultation in relation to safety and health at numerous workplaces for over 20 years.
Today, the operation and development of Vinnuvernd ehf. is his main subject, but Valgeir is also involved in individual consulting projects with his colleagues.
Aðrir sérfræðingar
Magnea Einarsdóttir
Fyrrum skólastjóri á eftirlaunum
Magnea lauk kennaraprófi frá KHÍ 1990. Eftir að hafa starfað sem bæði umsjónakennari og aðstoðarskólastjóri lauk hún Diplomu í starfsmannastjórnun frá EHÍ 2005 en þaðan lá leiðinn í Mastersnám í Mannauðsstjórnun við HÍ veturinn 2005 – 2006.
Magnea starfaði sem kennari, námsráðgjafi og félagsstarfskennari við Hólabrekkuskóla frá 1990 – 2000. Var aðstoðarskólastjóri við Hólabrekkuskóla frá 2000 – 2006. Var skólastjóri í Digranesskóla 2006 – 2009, í Álfhólsskóla 2009 – 2010 og í Snælandsskóla 2011 – 2023.
Áhugamálin eru heimilið, fjölskyldan, góð vinátta, skíði og almenn útivist. Samhliða vinnu hefur hún setið í stjórnum tengdum íþrótta- og félagsstarfi og má þar einna helst nefnda stjórn íþróttafélagsins Gerplu og Fimleikasambands Íslands.
Geir Gunnar Markússon,
Geir Gunnar er með mastergráðu (M.Sc) í næringarfræði frá Kaupmannahafnarháskóla og B.Sc. gráðu í matvælafræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Einnig er hann með einkaþjálfaragráðu frá Keili.
Geir Gunnar starfar einnig sem næringarfræðingur hjá Heilsustofnun NLFÍ í Hveragerði.
Móttaka & bókhald
Anna María Helgadóttir,
Receptions manager
Anna María is the face of Vinnuvernd, so to speak. She takes care of everything related to our reception, including communication with customers, appointment bookings, customer reception and many other tasks.
Anna María has many years of experience in the banking sector, as she worked as a consultant there before she started working at Vinnuvernd in the spring of 2023.
Gunnhildur Valgeirsdóttir,
Chief Accountant/System Analyst
Gunnhildur is the chief accountant at Vinnuvernd, she takes care of salaries, invoices and other related accounting of the company, as well as various technical solutions. She has been working on the implementation of business solutions and teaching them for a long time.
Anna Kristín Scheving
Anna Kristín works at the reception desk every day before noon and manages customer relations, appointment bookings, customer reception and other tasks. She is a trained photographer and runs her own photography service. Anna Kristín is cheerful and welcomes you with a smile when you visit us.